Rivera Money Confirmed Airdrop Incentivized Testnet is Live

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Cost: 0$ Potential gain: XXXX$+ Don’t miss your chance Flow the Steps Below

1. What is Rivera?

@Rivera_Money_– Permissionless liquidity management system for DeFi risk-shared market-making Users can thereby customize the risks associated with adding liquidity to a concentrated liquidity pool.

Incentivized Testnet is Live Powered by Mantle Network

Rivera Money Confirmed Airdrop

2. Add Mantle Testnet to your Metamask

 Visit https://chainlist.org/chain/5001

Click on Connect Wallet button of Mantle Testnet.

Connect wallet on chainlist.org

Click on “Add to Metamask” to add Mantle Testnet

Rivera Money Confirmed Airdrop

3. Claim Faucets

  • To receive the following tokens in your wallet, go to FusionX Finance’s website, https://fusionx.finance/faucet.
  • Click the “Send Tweet” button to be redirected to your Twitter account.
  • After you’ve tweeted, click the “Verify Tweet” button to activate the “Get Testnet Tokens” button.
  • Enter your wallet address in the textbox given and click “Get Testnet Tokens.”
  • When the tokens are successfully sent, a confirmation popup will appear.

Rivera Money Confirmed Airdrop

4. Now for Further steps Go to – Zealy and complete the Quests

Rivera Money Confirmed Airdrop

Thanks for sticking till the end For more Such Airdrops Checkout- Crypto Airdrops

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