pStake Confirmed Airdrop stkETH v2 Marvel Testnet now LIVE

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Cost: 0$ Potential gain: XXXX$+ Don’t miss your chance Flow the Steps Below

What is pStake?

pSTAKE is a liquid staking system that allows you to unleash the liquidity of your staked assets. You can securely stake your Proof-of-Stake (PoS) assets using pSTAKE, participate in protocol upgrades and security to earn staking incentives and obtain staked underlying representative tokens (stkASSETs) to explore new yield prospects across DeFi.

1. stkETH v2 is now LIVE on Testnet and Now we can participate in the testnet campaign from @pStakeFinance

to unlock up to $10,500 in $PSTAKE rewards.

pStake Confirmed Airdrop stkETH v2 Marvel Testnet now LIVE

2. Go to this website –  and Click the “Join now button”

pStake Confirmed Airdrop stkETH v2 Marvel Testnet now LIVE

3. Acquire Goerli Faucets From These Websites: I Would Suggest the first Website it’s the easiest one to acquire Goerli faucets


pStake Confirmed Airdrop stkETH v2 Marvel Testnet now LIVE


Goerli ETH on Ethereum
1. All That Node Faucet
2. Quick Node Faucet
3. Goerli Faucet
4. Infura Faucet
5. Paradigm Faucet
6. Moralis Facuet

Goerli ETH on Arbitrum
1. Triangle Platform Faucet
2. Quick Node Faucet

Goerli ETH on Optimism
1. Optimism Faucet
2. Triangle Platform Faucet
3. Quick Node Faucet

4. Now Connect your Wallet and Swap for stETH on ETH, Optimism, and Arbitrium Network One By One

pStake Confirmed Airdrop stkETH v2 Marvel Testnet now LIVE

pStake Confirmed Airdrop stkETH v2 Marvel Testnet now LIVE

5. Now Go to the “Bridge” section and bridge your stkETH from Ethereum to Arbitrum and Optimism Note: You Have to Do it For Both one after another so spend your faucets carefully.

pStake Confirmed Airdrop stkETH v2 Marvel Testnet now LIVE

6. Now Fill out this feedback form to share your experience, bugs, and provide suggestions for improvement, etc –

pStake Confirmed Airdrop stkETH v2 Marvel Testnet now LIVE

7. Now go to Galxe Mint and claim “stkETH Marvel NFT” on Galxe to unlock incentives on Mainnet –

pStake Confirmed Airdrop stkETH v2 Marvel Testnet now LIVE

Thanks for sticking till the end For more Such Airdrops Checkout- Crypto Airdrops

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